Thursday 23-05 03:00




María Cabrera Fernández
María holds a degree in Advertising and Public Rel...
Responsible ...
Paisaje Li...
Núria Felis Reig
Forestry engineer and environmentalist, MasterR...
Gandia Cit...


Javier Grau
Environmental engineer from the Polytechnic Univer...
Research sta...
Xavier Abril
Geographer and Master in Natural areas management....
Ebro Delta N...
Public use...
Els Gommeren
Since 2016, I have been working at Mooimakers, the...
Project offi...
Javier Sanchis Carbonell
Industrial Engineer in Energy Techniques at the UP...
Manager Actu...
Global Omn...
Sara Güemes Santos
Sara Güemes is an environmental consultant current...


Litter in the natural environment and urban areas presents multiple environmental threats. From the pollution of rivers, seas and soils to the disturbance of natural and urban habitats, the presence of this problem is a reflection of irresponsible consumption habits, lack of awareness, uncivic behaviour, inadequate infrastructure or misinformation.
Litter can severely affect the natural beauty of landscapes and ecosystems. The different types of materials that make up litter can take hundreds of years to decompose, during which time they persist in the environment, affecting local flora and fauna. These wastes are not only an aesthetic nuisance, but can also be ingested by animals, causing serious problems for wildlife.

Much of this waste ends up in rivers and seas, contributing to the pollution of rivers and seas, affecting aquatic life and the quality of water for human consumption.

During this session, several experts will share concrete and effective examples of strategies to minimise litter. These examples will illustrate solutions applied in various contexts to address this environmental problem, which manifests itself as litter or abandoned waste in both natural and urban environments. Through their presentations, speakers will highlight the importance of education, effective waste management policies, community participation and the promotion of sustainable consumption and production practices.


15:00/15:10. Introduction by the Nuria Felis and María Cabrera (contextualisation of the problem of litter dispersed in natural and urban environments).

15.10. Javier Sanchis, Aguas de Valencia, will discuss the innovative use of nets to intercept waste before it becomes part of marine litter.

15:20. Sara Güemes, Proyecto Libera, will present specific minimisation measures implemented in natural areas. The Libera Project not only quantifies litter in these environments, but also mobilises communities to raise awareness of the issue, using strategies such as clean-up campaigns and identification of critical points of litter accumulation.
15:30. Els Gommeren, from the organisation Mooimakers in Flanders, will share his experience in measuring and managing litter in urban environments, highlighting the specific actions his organisation takes to mitigate this problem.

15:40. AIMPLAS will illustrate how the circular economy can be applied to give a second life to marine litter, transforming an environmental challenge into a sustainable opportunity.

15:50. Joan Marc, Zero Waste Europe will talk about the latest campaigns developed by his organisation, aimed at minimising litter.

16:00. Debate

16:20 – 16:30. Questions and Answers.